In the Bachelor programme the following compensation rules are in place:

B1 course
A student may pass the final exam with a 4.5 or higher for one examination part of the course year B1, provided that all components of course year B1 were passed, with the exception of the component with the 4.5 or higher, and this insufficient grade is compensated for by at least one rounded 7 or higher for another component of B1.

The B1 compensation rule will automatically be processed in Osiris. 

B2 or B3 course

In addition, a student may pass the final exam with compensation of one failed course under the following conditions:

  • it concerns a course of the year B2 or B3 with the exception of:
    - regarding old style programme as referred to in Article 2.3b TER: trimester 7 courses with a value more than 7,5 EC and the Research Training/Bachelor Thesis, or 
    - regarding new style programme as referred to in Article 2.3a TER: B3 courses with a value more than 7,5 EC (such as minor, Internship, Exchange, etc), the course Advanced Research Methods (3 EC) and the Bachelor Project (7 EC), and  
  • the grade of the failed course is between 4.5 – 5.5*, and
  • the grade point average, mentioned in article 6.3 paragraph 1 Rules & Guidelines, is at least 7.0 (including the grade for the to-be compensated course).  

*If no final grade has been calculated for the examination of the failed course because you didn't meet the 'minimum grade requirement' (i.e. the assessment of the course is based on more than one test and one of the test grades is lower than a 4.5), then compensation is not possible for the course concerned. In the Course Manual you can find whether there is a minimum grade requirement applicable to the course concene

You can submit your request for compensation of a B2 or B3 course after you have obtained all B2 and B3 courses (except for the one course that you want to compensate) AND after all your results have been registered in Osiris, including the resits. There’s no point in submitting your request earlier, because then we cannot review and process your request.  


You can submit your request for compensation as of Monday 17th June 2024 via Osiris Case in Osiris Student. The deadline for submitting your request is Sunday 18th August 2024 23.59h. Your GPA will be calculated by the Student Administration, Department Study Progress and Diploma, whereafter the Examination Board will send you the final decision.