During your study
All study materials such as readers, (online) classes, web-lectures, assignments and exams published on Canvas (“content”) or otherwise made available to ...
Wo, 22 Jun, 2022 om 9:26 AM
No, all study materials such as readers, (online) classes, web-lectures, assignments and exams published on Canvas (“content”) or otherwise made available...
Wo, 22 Jun, 2022 om 9:28 AM
Admission requirements and application processes can vary per degree. You can find the different criteria and further detailed information on the Admission ...
Wo, 2 Feb, 2022 om 11:00 AM
Please find RSM's guidance document on the use of generative AI (GenAI) in education here. In light of the evolving GenAI landscape, this guidance docum...
Vr, 6 Sep, 2024 om 10:37 AM