The information presented here is also included in the Course Manual (AY24/25) which you can find on the Canvas course RSM BSc Internship, 

When searching for an internship, it is important to be aware of the requirements imposed on you as well as the internship position.

You can only start an internship if you have completed the first year of your BSc programme (60 EC). This means that any resits needs to be passed before the start of the internship.
It is possible to search for and register an internship before completing your first year. But please know you are not allowed to start the internship yet.

Examination Dates AY24/25

  • Registration of your internship on Osiris Zaak is possible from the start of Block 8 onwards (Monday 8 April 2024). You must allow a minimum of one week between Osiris registration and the start date of the internship.
  • The start date of the internship coincides with the start of the academic year. The first working day is at the earliest one week before the start of Block 9 (Monday 26 August 2024) and at the latest the third week of Block 9 (Monday 16 September 2024). Since you must allow a minimum of one week between Osiris registration and the start date of the internship, the latest possible registration date is Monday 9 September 2024.
  • Typically within five weeks after starting the internship, after meeting with your academic coach, you submit your Internship Plan. There is a resit opportunity two weeks later. A Pass for the Internship Plan is necessary to continue with the internship.
  • Coaching and the academic component of the internship concludes in the Exam Week of Block 10. Friday 20 December 2024 is the deadline for your company coach to submit an Evaluation Form, and for you to upload the Theory Application, both through Osiris Zaak
  • This will allow your academic coach to schedule your concluding Presentation in Block 11.
  • Your academic coach announces whether you passed the Internship at the end of the Presentation session. Resit opportunities for the Theory Application and Presentation are ultimately two weeks after the Presentation date. Your final grade is ultimately determined by your academic coach at the end of Block 11.